How To Increase Fertility After 35

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In addition to health and genetic problems, fertility after 35 in both men and women is significantly affected by a number of environmental factors. Therefore, in order to increase fertility after 35, and thus the chance of parenthood, it is sometimes necessary to make some life changes as well.

In the following article, we bring you scientifically proven natural methods on how to increase fertility after 35 for both men and women. In women, this most often refers to reducing stress and regular physical activity, and in men to reducing alcohol intake and quitting or at least reducing smoking.

There are also several fertility treatments that can be performed in order to  increase fertility after 35.

Let’s start in order.

How to increase fertility after 35 in women

There are a number of procedures and life changes that women can do to increase fertility and chances of staying pregnant. Here are some of them:

1. Reduce stress

Stress significantly affects fertility in women. Alpha-amylase is a biological stress marker measured from a saliva sample. Studies have shown that women with higher levels of alpha-amylase are less likely to achieve a natural pregnancy.

Involvement in activities that will help reduce stress can increase fertility in women after 35. For example, people who attend workshops or go to support and counseling groups for depression and anxiety are more likely to get pregnant than those who do not.

2. Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking negatively affects hormone levels and can affect early menopause in women. Therefore, quitting smoking significantly improves fertility in women.

3. Maintaining a healthy body weight

Obesity or excessive weight loss equally negatively affect reduced fertility in women. Obesity affects a number of reproductive processes in the body, including the process of fertilization, but also the later growth and development of the embryo. Losing extra pounds in case of obesity improves the chance of getting pregnant.

Both excessive weight loss or sudden and drastic weight loss brings negative effects on fertility in women. Studies show that overweight women have an increased risk of ovarian dysfunction, infertility and premature birth.

4. Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity has a positive effect on fertility in women. A study conducted on over 50,000 women has shown that regular physical activity affects later menopause.

But it should be kept in mind that excessive exercise, especially with low calorie intake, can negatively affect fertility and disrupt the menstrual cycle.

How to increase fertility after 35 in men

As with women, there are a number of methods and procedures that can improve fertility in men. Here are some:

1. Maintaining a healthy body weight

Fertility in men is also endangered in the case of obesity and in the case of underweight. A study conducted on over 115,000 men showed that obese men are significantly more likely to have problems with infertility than those with normal body weight.

Also, obese men are less responsive to infertility therapy.

2. Quit smoking

As with women, smoking affects fertility in men as well. Nicotine negatively affects sperm quality and reduces the chances of successful egg fertilization.

3. Reduce alcohol intake

And alcohol negatively affects sperm quality. A study conducted on nearly 30,000 men, found that alcohol affects sperm quality and size.

increase fertility after 35

Fertility and age

For most women, fertility begins to decline in their mid-thirties. During this period, ovarian function slowly declines until menopause. Although it is possible to get pregnant during this period, the chances decrease with each passing year.

Therefore, to increase the chances of getting pregnant for both men and women, some general rules apply: regular physical activity, avoiding stress, smoking and alcohol. These are guidelines that can help you increase fertility after 35.


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