How Olive Oil Helps with Weight Loss

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It is a well-known fact that olive oil is very healthy and should be used in your daily diet. This oil is best known for its effect on regulating blood pressure, contributing to heart health and reducing inflammation in the body.

Some studies confirm that olive oil also has some anti-cancer properties. However, in addition to all the above benefits of consuming olive oil, it also contributes to weight loss.

How monounsaturated fatty acids contribute to weight maintenance

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to maintaining the desired body weight, significantly more than saturated fats.

Studies show that monounsaturated fatty acids help prevent gaining weight and fat.

Medium-chain triglycerides help with fat loss

Olive oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides that are rapidly broken down and absorbed by the liver, which converts and uses them for energy. Studies have shown that these triglycerides play an important role in achieving a healthy body weight.

A study conducted by St-Onge et al. showed that these triglycerides help increase the production of appetite-regulating hormones, such as YY peptide, more than long-chain triglycerides, making a person feel fuller for longer, making it easier to achieve a calorie deficit.

The same study also showed that these triglycerides help increase the body’s ability to burn calories and use body fat for energy.

Mediterranean diet = balanced diet

The Mediterranean diet is a great example of how olive oil works. This diet is considered by many to be the healthiest in the world, consisting of a high proportion of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains and potatoes.

The main source of fat in this diet is olive oil and fish rich in healthy fats. This diet does not exclude any group of foods, but red meat and sweets are reduced to very small amounts.

So, how to use olive oil for weight loss?

You need to include olive oil in your daily food intake, whether your goal is weight loss or not. Its benefits far outweigh just this effect, and make a huge contribution to overall health.

But when using olive oil as an aid in weight loss, you must first be aware that weight loss requires a calorie deficit. One tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories, so limit your daily intake to a couple of tablespoons of oil that you will add to salads or as an addition to vegetables or other foods.


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