Outdoor Stair Workout Ideas

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If you are looking for ideas for your outdoor stair workout, you’ve come to the right place. Outdoor stair workouts are ideal if your goal is to lose fat. 

Therefore, find the stairs and prepare yourself for the training that follows. You will need as many stairs as you can cross in 10-15 seconds.

Outdoor Stair Workout for Beginners

If you have not done HIIT training on the stairs before, this is the training we advise you to start with.

Before you start, do a light warm-up for 5 minutes. I suggest alternating 15 squats and jumping jacks.

Do each of the following exercises for 10-15 seconds, and when that time is up, run down the stairs to the starting position and start with the next exercise:

  • Walking or running up the stairs: go up two stairs at once.
  • Sprint: cross the stairs one by one.
  • High knee raise: cross the stairs one by one.
  • One leg jump: go up 1 or 2 steps at a time
  • Big jumps: skip as many steps as you can at once.

When you are done with all the exercises, take a break for 1-2 minutes, then start the next round. Repeat the rounds for 15 minutes.

Outdoor Stair Workout for Advanced

This outdoor stair workout will be much more demanding and we advise you not to do it if you are not in shape yet. For start do a 5 minute warm-up in which you will alternate 15 squats and jumping jacks.

Do each of the following exercises for 15-30 seconds, and when that time is up, run down the stairs to the starting position and start with the next exercise:

  • Sprint: Cross as many steps as possible in a given time.
  • One leg jump: go up 1 or 2 steps at a time.
  • High knee raise: cross the stairs one by one with your body facing to the right.
  • High knee raise: cross the stairs one by one with your body facing to the left.
  • Big jumps: skip as many steps as you can at once.

When you are done with all the exercises, take a break for 1-2 minutes, then start the next round. Repeat the rounds for 20 minutes.

After the outdoor stair workout, do a 5-minute static stretch, focusing on the leg muscles.


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