Top 5 PS3 Fitness Games for Online Workout

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Playing games has stopped being a passive activity, where the player just sits and plays with the controller buttons, long time ago.. If you have a PlayStation at home, you have the option of choosing a range of fitness games that will get you into a real workout, so playing in this case can be used even for burning calories and weight loss. An ideal combination, isn’t it?

We bring you top 5 PS3 fitness games that will be fun, but also physically challenging, and a great replacement for all the physical activities we used to do outside our apartment.

1. Get Fit With Mel B (PS3)

The game Get Fit With Mel B can recognize your entire body, which makes the game very realistic and exciting. The player is on the screen next to Mel B and performs exercises next to her, such as cardio training, kickboxing and dance fitness, where she gives instructions on all the movements and exercises. Furthermore, this game also brings different food menu options and 140 healthy recipes.

2. UFC Personal Trainer (PS3)

If you’ve ever wanted to learn and train MMA, the UFC Personal Trainer game is a great start. Through the game you will learn over 70 types of punches and kicks, wrestling movements and Muay Thai.

For many, the most interesting part of the game will be the fight against popular UFC fighters, which will give players additional motivation for this game, but also to progress and improve their shots every day to be better in the next virtual fight.

3. EA Sports Active 2 (PS3)

If your primary goal is to burn as many calories as possible and lose extra pounds EA Sports Active 2 is one of the best games. The game will make you sweat and to play this game you only need elastic bend.

The game is great for all fitness levels, whether you are a complete beginner or more advanced. In the game, you can determine the level of difficulty, but also adjust the training so that it hits certain muscle groups.

4. Fit in Six (PS3)

Fit in Six is a great game for beginners. The game includes six elements of fitness: cardio, balance, upper body strength, lower body strength, flexibility and core workouts to allow the beginners to strengthen and shape their body.

5. Zumba Fitness (PS3)

If you’ve ever wanted to learn and dance Zumba, now is the right time to do so. In addition, this way you will avoid beginner discomfort, and when the pandemic is over you will have the knowledge to comfortably join Zumba classes in the fitness center.

The game will bring the atmosphere of a real Zumba to your home, so you will really enjoy playing and almost unconsciously burn calories that will contribute to a better shape, but also a better mood.

Whichever PS3 fitness game you choose, use it to help you stay in shape and in a good mood. 



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