Feeling hungry on a diet is completely normal especially if you have been on a diet for some time. Hunger control becomes unbearable for many at certain points, meaning, the desire for food becomes too great, and that’s one of the main reasons why people give up dieting, or their goals. Let’s face it, if being fit was easy, everyone would do it! Is there a way to control hunger when on diet? And how to do it? Read on below to find out more.
Today’s hectic lifestyle, fast food on every corner, and of course the possibility of choosing the desired food with a few clicks on our phone further complicate the situation. People around us affect that too. We all have those colleagues at work who always order something tasty, while we take out the tupperware with a cold, pre-prepared meal. Incomparable. But this should not stop you.
If you feel hungry, it is important to first recognize a type of hunger. Not every hunger is the same. There is physical, emotional and polyphagia. Physical hunger is one that occurs when our stomach is empty (when we are on a diet) and when we usually say that it is “rumbling in our stomach”. Emotional hunger is one that occurs when we are not in a good mood, feel anxious, and in a need of feeding our emotions. Third, polyphagia results from a dominant intake of carbohydrates (when insulin spikes in blood sugar). In this article, we will deal with the control of physical hunger.
5 Tips to Control Hunger when on Diet
1. Drink a cup of black coffee
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, and as such, in addition to making you feel awake, it also acts as an appetite suppressant. A cup of black coffee is a great mini booster of your mood, but also energy that will help you train when you feel exhausted and hungry. You won’t break records in the gym by drinking black coffee with calorie restrictions, but it will help.
2. Eat more protein
Protein is a macronutrient that will leave us feeling full for longer. Of all the three macronutrients, it is definitely the one you can eat the most. By prioritizing your protein intake, you will satisfy your hunger more effectively compared to a diet with a higher intake of carbohydrates and even fat.
3. Eat more vegetables and fiber
Vegetables belong to a group of foods that are rich in volume (take up more space in the stomach), low in calories, packed with fiber that will keep you full, and at the same time allow you to stay in a calorie deficit. Some of the recommended foods are whole grains, beans, almonds, chia seeds and green vegetables.
4. Eat an apple
There is a famous saying: “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”and with reason. Apples are an excellent source of fiber, thus apples help us temporarily fight physical hunger.
Given the caloric value of one average apple, we do not have to be afraid that it will disrupt our diet. In fact, apples are very often in menus with calorie restriction because of their low caloric value and they contain even more than 10% of the daily required amount of dietary fiber.
5. Eat larger meals instead of smaller ones
It is a common belief that to lose weight we need to eat more small meals a day to “speed up” the metabolism. These claims are not exactly true, and the main reason for your weight loss will always come down to the calorie deficit at the end of the day. If you have eaten 5-6 small meals a day so far and are constantly hungry, try to reduce them to 3 large meals with one snack a day.
By applying these tips, you will reduce the feeling of hunger when on diet, which will allow you to implement your plan longer and more successfully. But be sure to keep in mind, the closer you get to your goal, your appetite will increase more. This is a perfectly normal part of the process.
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