Tips for Getting in Shape after 50

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Every time we reach a certain age we tend to think “Do I feel like I’m X years old.” But what exactly does that mean? How should we feel at 20, 30, 40, 50 or any other age? There is no prescribed rule as to the mental and physical state we should be at any age, but that state depends on everything we have gone through life and done up to that point.

Certainly, a positive attitude towards life, healthy habits that include a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity certainly help us feel good, healthy and energetic, regardless of age. The same is true for those over 20 and the ones over 50. Here we will focus on the following goal: getting in shape after 50!

Maintain a positive attitude

Because of our age we often think about something that we cannot do or achieve. With age, we should be wiser and more aware of our abilities and capabilities, but it often happens to us that we doubt ourselves and associate doubt with age. “I can’t do that, because I’m not 20 anymore!”, is a common saying that prevents older people from enjoying life or achieving certain goals.

A positive attitude towards life and is the key to success. No matter how old you are, you can achieve anything you want, you just really have to work hard!

Maintain healthy habits

Healthy habits are, if we look at life as a whole, like building a house. First you need a solid and good foundation, then walls and then electrical installations, etc. There is an order in which the house is built, as well as healthy habits: the main elements to make the “house” solid in this case are nutrition and hydration, sleep, physical activities and coping with stress.

1. Nutrition and hydration

One of the most important factors in maintaining good health is proper nutrition and hydration.

It is advised to reduce the carbohydrate content to a minimum on days when there is no physical activity, and to base the diet on fats and proteins that will provide enough food for the body to function daily, but also to maintain muscle mass and health.

2. Physical activity

Physical activity is a very broad topic that covers different physical activities, from yoga, pilates, strength training, through cycling, walking, hiking, running to vacuuming or cleaning the apartment.

The key is in raising the heart rate and expanding the lungs for deeper breathing due to the intensity of the activity. So, whatever activity you choose, do it with intensity to raise your pulse and sweat a little.

3. Sleep

With age, sleep is gaining in importance, so 6-8 hours of sleep should be a priority for anyone over 50. Without food we can survive for a while (depending on how much body fat you have stored), but lack of sleep has a negative impact on health.

Prolonged poor sleep affects cognitive decline, nervousness, delusions, paranoia and psychosis, and is accompanied by the inability to control appetite due to the imbalance of the hormone leptin. When you don’t get enough sleep, leptin drops, resulting in a constant feeling of hunger, overeating, and a general slowdown in metabolism.

4. Coping with stress

Knowing how to deal with stress is key to health. At the same time, poor diet, dehydration, lack of sleep, too much physical activity and negative thoughts can be a cause of stress. Simple ways to reduce stress is to spend time with loved ones, engaging in activities you love and not overloading your schedule.

Set a goal!

It is important to have a goal. The goal is something that should motivate us and encourage us to progress. The goal can be small or large, but it must be realistic and achievable in a certain amount of time.

To achieve the goal we always need motivation and focus. Achieving a goal brings a sense of satisfaction, but also self-confidence and can be an additional motivation to set a new goal.

Although this text is primarily aimed at those who want to get in shape after 50, everything stated in it is applicable to all generations and will bring life improvement and success!


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